Guten Morgen, Guten Tag, Guten Abden, Guten Nacht! Everybody
Wie geht es dir?
hari ini gw mau beda dari postingan gw sebelumnya, soalnya gw lagi proses belajar Deutsch Sprache nih yippie walau converstation gw masih tetep amburadul, eheh selama gw duduk di bangku sma ada hal yg menarik dan menyuramkan hari gw giddddu deh,
Yang menarik itu :
- Pelajaran makin menantang
- Gurunya asik tapi ada juga yg bikin muntacgh
- Di kelas gw ada si diaz amorez yg gokil gila bikin bibir robek gara2 lelucon gila dia
Yang menyuramkan itu :
- Setiap pagi wajib bangun jam 04.30 am
- Sekolah jauh bikin kaki gempor
- Sekolah jauh ongkos uang jajan terbawa arus transportasi
- Temennya masih ada yg gawllllh
tapi katanya sma masa paling indah semoga aja deh, udah ya dada
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Friend is a very important part of life
Twitter Maniac!
@firliesays and @lesstea
Juli 30, 2009
Get Closer To Know Us
- Firlie & Listy
- Hello people in the world..
this is only a little bit of our life which is very small to the whole world doesn't know us. We`re best friends of each other to share the story that is happy, funny, dumb and sad.. We enjoy our life together, Till the end :-)
have some biscuits and tea here and enjoy it
Firlie and Listy
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